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Oceana Finance
Monitored: 3308 days
Oceana Finance screenshot
Invested: $100.00
Min Invest: 10
Max Invest: 50000$
Referral: 1
PerfectMoney EgoPay PAYEER BitCoin SWIFT BankWire
Lifetime: 3308 days
Added: Apr 4th, 2015
Withdrawal: Manual
DDOS CustomizedScript

Request RCB 0%
Plans: 1% - 3% daily for 365 days
Oceana Finance discription:
Oceana Finance is a leading investment and trading company specializing in domestic and international hedge funds, Forex, Stock, Bonds and Gold. Here at Oceana Finance we believe that our philosophy, "Strength through Performance", is the right way to meet our customer's expectations by providing our customers with a service that is high "performance” with a team of experienced investment advisors, skilled market analysts, professional traders and legal experts to work together to achieve success. Our Company Mission is to continually focus on identifying sound and profitable business opportunities that meet our diversified investment and business practice criteria, as well as those of extensive global network of affiliates, clients and partners. We, at Oceana Finance, understand the challenges of investment market and business finance requirements. We have experience and proven track record and can assist you with flexible and comprehensive financing solutions that will help your business meet its goals of growth and expansion besides meeting your existing finance requirements and improving your cash flows.

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