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Fund Investment Group
Monitored: 3447 days
Not Paying
Fund Investment Group screenshot
Invested: $100.00
Min Invest: 10
Max Invest: 100000
Referral: 5
PerfectMoney PAYEER BitCoin
Lifetime: 3446 days
Added: Nov 15th, 2014
Withdrawal: Manual

Request RCB 2,100%
Plans: 1.3%-4% daily, Unlimited
Fund Investment Group discription:
Fund Investment Group is an independent investment company, created by qualified traders and financial analysts, specialized in trading securities with years of extensive experience and huge ambitions. Striving to minimize the investment risks of our clients and offering the best options the capital market has to offer, we are committed to provide competitive interest rates for a range of investment options, meeting the investment needs and exceeding expectations of our investors. Fund Investment Group experts have developed successful trading schemes involving advanced trading technology that already proved their efficiency in maintaining high interest rates for our clients. Members of Fund Investment Group team are dedicated to offering our customers outstanding customer service and professional support. Our individual attention to the needs of every single investor helps our clients to achieve their financial security. Comprehensive approach and analytical skills of our experts help us to provide our clients with qualified finance and investment advice, innovative business solutions and excellent results.

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